Working on the mining machines department to me was charges reading the theoretical
courses „Mining machines for submarine mining works" and „Theory of the
technical systems". After a few years of the given courses reading, in
2003 I wrote a train aid „Bondarenko A.A. Mining
machines for submarine mining works.-Dnipropetrovsk, National Mining
University, 2003". A train aid is recommended to edition by
scientific-methodical advice for teaching of
It is
grounded in a train aid, that the World ocean is a large potential source for
the receipt of minerals from the deep-water and shelf deposits.
It is
considered: constructions of mechanical and hydraulic machines for submarine mining
works production; constructions, principle of action, application domain of
different types of dredge worker member with mechanical and hydraulic rippers;
technology of submarine mining works conduct; constructions and technologies of
application of mining complexes for the deep-water minerals extractions from
the bottom of the World ocean, and hole hydraulic mining; calculation methods
of the deep-water mining complexes and dredge worker member, auxiliary systems.
2004ã. a train aid was written „Bondarenko
A.A. Theory of the technical systems.-Dnipropetrovsk, National Mining
University, 2003". A train aid is recommended to edition by
scientific-methodical advice for teaching of
In a
train aid as a result of analysis of technique development history on the
whole, on the examples of the separate technical systems, existence of the
technical systems structure and development laws.
It is
considered: the laws of technique and stages of its development; basic theory
of the technical systems concepts and denotations; systematization of mans necessities
and their hierarchy; system of transformations, its elements and model;
technical process, his model and structure; technical system as an element of
the transformations system; the
technical systems classification; properties of the technical systems; stages
of creation and use of the technical systems; conformities to the law of the
technical systems evolution.
Copyright © À.À. Áîíäàðåíêî, 2004